Lassi on Mon, 7 Jul 2008 02:37:04 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] As MoC, I publish the following ballot and turn the clock on.

I, LASD, vote as follows.

444 (Non-Win By Monarchy): {{FOR}}
445 (Recruitment Bonus): {{FOR}}
446 (New Public Holiday): {{FOR}}
447 (I'm having fun): {{FOR}}
448 (We Hate Agora): {{AGAINST}}
449 (Blaaaaa): {{FOR}}
450 (Competition In The Sock Market): {{FOR}}
451 (Tidiness Reform): {{FOR}}
452 (Hurry Up!): {{FOR}}
453 (But what if he DOESN'T?): {{FOR}}
454 (Remove DNA): {{FOR}}
455 (Remove B): {{FOR}}
456 (Remove the Rule of Law): {{FOR}}
457 (Remove Contracts): {{AGAINST}}
458 (Remove the Sock Market): {{AGAINST}}
459 (Remove Devices): {{AGAINST}}
460 (Remove the Beast): {{AGAINST}}
461 (Remove Foreign Relations): {{FOR}}
462 (Remove Currency): {{AGAINST}}
463 (Remove List Attributes): {{FOR}}
464 (Remove Victory): {{FOR}}
465 (Remove RPG): {{FOR}}
466 (Remove Points): {{AGAINST}}
467 (Remove Field Matches): {{FOR}}
468 (Call the Bluff): {{AGAINST}}

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