Mike McGann on Wed, 14 May 2008 16:52:20 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Proposal: Extra Ball is Lit

Thanks for the feedback. I amend my Proposal titled "Extra Ball is Lit" to
read as follows:

Amend the B-Chess Field match by adding the following text:
Invokable Action: Rejoin
Trigger: A Game Action by a player who does not possess a King, has
had his King(s) captured at least once and no more than three times,
and, according to the table below, spends the macks required per the number
of times King(s) have been captured:

xCaptured Macks
--------- -------
        1  100
        2  500
        3 1000

Effect: A King object is created in the possession of the player and
located on a random square of the Field that cannot be reached by any
existing Field Object in a single turn.

Note to MoC: I have updated the wiki to this version.

- Hose
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