Mike McGann on Sun, 4 May 2008 06:45:44 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Calendar

I submit the following proposal titled "Calendar":

Create a new Rule, titled "Calendar" with the Rule Number 4E31:
The ndays of the nweek have the following names:
nday 1 = Breakday
nday 2 = Winday
nday 3 = Mulberry
nday 4 = Tango
nday 5 = Corvette
nday 6 = Halfday
nday 7 = Joel
nday 8 = Rushnight
nday 9 = Ballotday
nday 10 = Teucer
nday 11 = Zarpint
nday 12 = Thirnight
nday 13 = Armageddon

Repeal Rule 71

- Hose
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