Geoffrey Spear on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 12:28:17 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] request for playerhood

I consent to be governed by the rules.

I submit the following Consultation:
Question: Is Wooble a Player?

Reasoning: Wooble "has become" (and I believe the tense of the verb in
Rule 4E4 is relevant here) a Player in the manner specified by the
Rules at the time he did so.  He fulfills all requirements for
continued Playerhood as specified by the rules, although it must be
admitted that he did not, in fact, continue to be a player
continuously since becoming a Player.  The Rule as written does not
seem to preclude an External Force from being defined as a Player
simply because he has, sometime in the past, ceased to be one.
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