comex on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 15:41:56 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Ascendancy

Proposal: Ascendancy
Conflicts: Hose Will Vote For This

In Rule 4E24 (RPG), replace the second paragraph with:
There is an attribute called Health, with a scope of the Players, a
Range of {Alive (syn. Living), Dead, Undead}, and a default value of
Alive.  If a Player's Hit Points would ever be set to a value less
than or equal to 0, it is instead set to 0 and the Player becomes
Dead.  An Alp is an Alive Player.

All Players considered to be Alive at the time of this Proposal's
Passing have their Health set to Alive.
All Players considered to be Dead at the time of this Proposal's
Passing have their Health set to Dead.

In Rule 4E24 (RPG), add the following sentence at the end of the third
If a Player's HP is ever greater than his Maximum HP, it immediately
becomes equal to it.

If neither "Alpine" nor "No Rocks Being Thrown, But Need Bodyguards"
passed, then in Rule 4E24 (RPG), add a paragraph that reads:
Damage (pl. damage) is the loss of one Hit Point.

Create a new Rule, titled "Death", with the text:
A Soul is a non-unique device.  Body is an attribute with a scope of
all Souls and a range of all persons.  Whenever a Player does not have
a Soul, a new Soul is created with emself as Body and device owner.
"The soul of X" means the Soul whose Body is X.  However, "X has the
soul" means that X is the device owner of the soul.  [[Example: 0x44
has the soul of comex.]]

There is an Attribute "Killer" with a scope of all Dead and Undead
Players, a range of all Players and "Circumstances", and a default
Value of Circumstances. When a Player becomes Dead, eir Killer is set
to the Player who directly caused him to become Dead, if such a Player
exists.  Otherwise, eir Killer is set to Circumstances.  When a player
is killed, and eir Killer is a Player, every soul that e has is
transferred to eir Killer.

Create a new Rule, titled "Beyond the Grave", with the text:

An Alp that is the Killer of a Dead Player may, as a Game Action,
Resurrect that Player, making em Undead.  This sets eir HP to 3 [[but
does not affect eir Maximum HP]].

An Alp that has the Soul of an Undead Player may, as a Game Action,
take a Game Action on behalf of that player which is one of:
* an action that is only permitted to Undead Players
* submitting a vote on a Proposal [[get your rapiers out!]]
This is the only mechanism by which Undead Players may take those Game Actions.

When an Undead Player would become Dead, e instead becomes Alive, and
eir HP is set to eir Maximum HP.

Create a new Rule, titled "Zombie Actions", with the text:
Twice per nday, an Undead Player may as a Game Action Gnaw a Living
Player for 2 damage.  This increases eir own HP by 1.


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