Jamie Dallaire on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 03:17:10 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Kind-hearted usurping

I submit the following proposal, entitled "Papering Over It":

Retroactively simulate the Assignment of, ZOTTING of, Answering of, Claiming
about (of CONSISTENCY or INCONSISTENCY), and Pondering of any Consultations,
as well as the distribution of any Ministerial Rewards and any Clock state
changes, that would have happened (based on messages sent to the Public
Forum) up until the Passing of this Proposal as if the following condition
had been satisfied:

Condition: Codae was the pot holster of Questions between the last time he
ceased to hold the Ministry of Questions prior to nday 7 of nweek 137 and
the start of nday 7 of nweek 137.

I assign the vacant Ministry of Questions to myself.

I vacate the Ministry of Questions.

Billy Pilgrim
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