Roger Hicks on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 23:36:05 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Gamble Votes

I submit the following proposal titled "Gamble Votes":
Amend rule 15 by replacing:
A Registered Voter may submit a Vote on an Open proposal at any time.
The Vote must be one of the words FOR, AGAINST, ABSTAIN, or SHELVE;
other words are ignored
A Registered Voter may submit a Vote on an Open proposal at any time.
The Vote must be one of the words FOR, AGAINST, ABSTAIN, GAMBLE or
SHELVE; other words are ignored

Insert at the beginning of the section "Tallying the votes" in rule 15:
At the end of the voting period on a proposal, for each vote of GAMBLE
on that proposal, the Chairman shall roll a 6 sided die using the
B-Nomic dice server. The effects in the below table shall then occur
based upon the number rolled:

1 - The Registered Voter who cast the GAMBLE vote is instead
considered to have cast a vote of FOR.
2 - The Registered Voter who cast the GAMBLE vote is instead
considered to have cast a vote of AGAINST.
3 - The Registered Voter who cast the GAMBLE vote is instead
considered to have cast a vote of ABSTAIN.
4 - The Registered Voter who cast the GAMBLE vote is instead
considered to have cast a vote of SHELVE.
5 - The Registered Voter who cast the GAMBLE vote has his vote power
increased by 1.
6 - The Registered Voter who cast the GAMBLE vote has his vote power
decreased by 1.
[[NOTE: Since the above changes in vote power occur before proposal
stamina is tallied, they will effect the current week only, and will
be reset upon the next ballotday.]]

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