Jamie Dallaire on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 20:39:15 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: French President, well not really

I submit the following Proposal, entitled "French President, well not
really", of which the main thrust is to modify the emergency procedure to
require a majority rather than a plurality in favour of the winning
proposal. It potentially increases the number of voting periods required but
shortens their length to a single day each. It also allows RPs to be revised
or withdrawn and specifies that the emergency forum must be reasonably
accessible to all PEPs.


In Rule 0 ("In Case of Emergency"), replace the paragraph beginning with the
number 3 with the following text:


3. The Emergency Coordinator designates a means for PEPs to communicate as
the Emergency Forum and makes a reasonable effort to notify other PEPs about
the Forum's existence. The Emergency Forum must be reasonably accessible to
all PEPs.


In Rule 0 ("In Case of Emergency"), replace the paragraphs beginning with
numbers 5 through 12 with the following text:


5. At any time before the value of the pause is 5, each PEP may submit a
Refresh Proposal, aimed at either resuming or ending the Game, and may
revise or withdraw his own Refresh Proposal, via the Emergency Forum. A
Refresh Proposal consists of a list of changes which may affect any aspect
of the Game or the state of the Game, including, but not limited to: rules,
scores or other player attributes, the valid list of players, current
holders of any Ministries, the legitimacy and/or actuality of any action
taken in the context of the Game, etc.

6. When the value of the Pause is 5, the Emergency Coordinator gathers all
submitted Refresh Proposals into a first-round Ballot.
7. Each PEP casts a single vote to select one of the Refresh Proposals in
the Ballot by announcing his vote via the Emergency Forum.

8. When the value of the Pause is 6, the Emergency Coordinator counts all
submitted votes and announces to the Emergency Forum the number of votes
received by each Refresh Proposal. If a Refresh Proposal received more than
half the votes, it is selected and the Procedure skips to step 15; otherwise
the Procedure continues to Step 9.

9. A second-round Ballot is formed of those Refresh Proposals that received
at least two votes in the first round. If there are less than two Refresh
Proposals that received at least two votes in the first round, then all
Refresh Proposals that received one vote are also included in the
second-round Ballot. If there are less than two Refresh Proposals that
received at least one vote in the first round, then all Refresh Proposals
are included in the second-round Ballot.

10. Each PEP casts a single vote to select one of the Refresh Proposals in
the Ballot by announcing his vote via the Emergency Forum.

11. When the value of the Pause is 7, the Emergency Coordinator counts all
submitted votes and announces to the Emergency Forum the number of votes
received by each Refresh Proposal. If a Refresh Proposal received more than
half the votes, it is selected and the Procedure skips to step 15; otherwise
the Procedure continues to Step 12.

12. An *n*th-round Ballot is formed, where *n* is the number of voting
rounds that have previously taken place in the current Emergency plus one.
The Ballot includes only the two Refresh Proposals that received the largest
number of votes in the previous round. If any Refresh Proposals are tied for
the second largest number of votes in the previous round, they are included
in the Ballot as well.

13. Each PEP casts a single vote to select one of the Refresh Proposals in
the Ballot by announcing his vote via the Emergency Forum.

14. When the value of the Pause is 5 + *n*, the Emergency Coordinator counts
all submitted votes and announces to the Emergency Forum the number of votes
received by each Refresh Proposal. If a Refresh Proposal received more than
half the votes, it is selected and the Procedure skips to step 15; otherwise
the Procedure returns to Step 12.
15. All changes listed in the selected Refresh Proposal occur, implemented
by the Emergency Coordinator as needed. All Panic Buttons become Off.



Billy Pilgrim
spoon-business mailing list