Justin Ahmann on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 16:36:46 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Strictly speaking, it's illegal, but...

I create a rule 0-43, entitled "Hose is Not King":
The Player named Codae may change the gamestate in any way, at any time.

I replace, in Rule 1-10, "Any player" with "Any player named Codae" and thus secure myself from invalidity.

I make the Ministry of Questions Vacant.

I take the Ministry of Questions.

I remove the last sentence from Rule 1-4.

I create Rule 1-7, entitled "Cheese":
External Forces may only change the gamestate in a given way if explicitly permitted by the Rules to so change the gamestate.  The Player named Codae must be addressed as "Grand Chancellor of B."

I increase my Points by 333.

The Grand Chancellor of B
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