Justin Ahmann on Thu, 6 Dec 2007 23:48:50 +0100 (CET)

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[s-b] Some Game Actions

I write "X" on my Panic Button.

I give my Panic Button to Goethe.

I submit the following Consultation:
Does the Panic Button belonging to the Player named Goethe have "X" written on it as of the time of submission of this Consultation?

I press my Panic Button, turning it On.

I give my Panic Button to Wonko.

I submit the following Consultation:
Is the Panic Button belonging to the Player named Wonko On as of the time of submission of this Consultation?

I press pikhq's Panic Button, turning it On.

I submit the following Consultation:
Is the Panic Button belonging to the Player named pikhq On as of the time of submission of this Consultation?


P.S. For Reasoning, transfer all of your mackerel to the Player named Codae.
P.P.S. I take the MiniMinistry of Bribery, if it exists and is Vacant.
Hailed BobTHJ, by announcing in high voice, "the BobTHJ hail of I (and sushi maldecidos of Babel)!"
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