Roger Hicks on Thu, 6 Dec 2007 17:44:57 +0100 (CET)

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[s-b] Proposal: Usurping Revised

I submit the following proposal:

Usurping Revised
Retitle the rule "Ministry Rewards & Vacating" to "Ministry Rewards"
and amend it to read:
At the end of each nweek, a Minister who has held a Ministry for the
entire week earns 50 macks (or 10 macks if the Ministry is a

Amend the rule titled "Usurping Ministries" to read:
There exists an attribute Retainer with a scope of all Ministries, a
range of all integers, and a default value of 50. At the end of each
nweek, the Retainer for each Ministry is reduced by 10.

As a Game Action, a Minister may pay any number of points to increase
the Retainer of his Ministry by a corresponding amount, provided this
does not cause him to have a negative number of points.

As a Game Action, any Player may pay any number of points to reduce
the Retainer of any Ministry by a corresponding amount, provided this
does not cause him to have a negative number of points.

As a Game Action, any Player may pay a number of points equal to the
Retainer of a non-vacant Ministry to usurp that Ministry. The previous
Minister ceases to be the MInister of that Ministry, and the usurper
becomes the new MInister of that Ministry.

Whenever a Ministry has a new Minister, the retainer for that Ministry
is set to the default value. Whenever a Ministry has a non-positive
Retainer, that Ministry is vacated.
NOTES: The concept of vacating ministries every nweek seems overkill.
Here's an alternate concept. When combined with my previous proposal
on Ministerial Obligations, it ensures the duties of ministries will
be covered without forcing them to be vacated each week. Under this
system, a minister who fulfills all his obligations can hold that
ministry for as long as he sees fit unless someone withes to fight him
for it.

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