Josiah Worcester on Tue, 4 Dec 2007 02:24:09 +0100 (CET)

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[s-b] Sane Partnerships

I submit the following proposal:
"Sane Partnerships"
Create a rule with the following text:
A Partnership is an Agreement recognized by B Nomic that is a part of this 
game and a player. An Agreement may request to become a player if it meets 
the following criteria:
* The set of biological persons that are members of the Agreement are not 
shared by any other partnership.
* The Agreement requires at least two of the members of the Agreement to act 
on its behalf to fullfill any obligations the Agreement gains as a player in 
B Nomic.
* The Agreement has decided, through whatever internal mechanisms it 
possesses, to join B Nomic.

A Partnership forfeits if the Partnership ceases to be an Agreement recognized 
by B Nomic.
[Add partnerships, inspired by the Agoran rule (but not quite the same.)]

Make the section "Voting" in Rule 2-2 read:
The Voting Period for a given nweek, or just "Voting", is defined as the 
period of time from the beginning of nday 9 of that nweek until the end of 
that nweek. 
At the beginning of each Voting Period, all Pending proposals become Open. 
A Registered Voter is an Outsider that is allowed to vote on Proposals. There 
is an Attribute Vote Power with a Scope of Registered Voters, a Range of the 
nonnegative rational numbers, and a Default Value of 0.
There is a subclass of Registered Voter, called a Nonhuman Registered Voter.
A Registered Voter may as a Game Action set their Vote Power to a number lower 
than its current value.
A Registered Voter may submit a Vote on an Open proposal at any time. The Vote 
must be one of the words FOR, AGAINST, or ABSTAIN; other words are ignored. 
The most recent Vote on a proposal by a Registered Voter is called that 
Registered Voter's Final Vote on that proposal.
With 3 support, all Nonhuman Registered Voters may be restricted from voting 
on a proposal.
[Add "Nonhuman Registered Voters", allow player to prevent them from voting on 
a proposal with 3 support]

Repeal rule 5-2.
Repeal rule 5-3.
Make rule 2-7 read:
All Players are Registered Voters.
All Partnerships are Nonhuman Registered Voters.
[This is meant to replace factions, so the rules for factions aren't needed. 
Also, make sure Partnerships won't be abused.]

Upon adoption of this proposal, all factions are considered to have requested 
to become a player if they qualify as a Partnership by this proposal.
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