0x44 on Fri, 30 Nov 2007 17:23:22 +0100 (CET)

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[s-b] Proposal: Speedy Emergencies. [ revised ]

You're quite correct. I revise the as yet unnumbered proposal entitled
Speedy Emergencies to read:

Amend Rule 0 clause 4 to read:

    4. The Emergency Coordinator makes a statement to the Emergency
Forum that he is initializing the Pause. The Procedure tracks time spent
using the Pause. When the Emergency Coordinator initializes the Pause it
is zero. Thereafter, until the completion of the Procedure, the Pause is
increased by one each day at 00:00:00 UTC. Once per day, the Emergency
Coordinator may announce to the Emergency forum their intention to
increment the pause. If no PEP voices objection to this action on the
Emergency Forum within 24 hours, then the value of the Pause is
incremented by one.

Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:
> 0x44 wrote:
>> Revised to take into consideration BobTHJ's comments.
>> Amend Rule 0 clause 4 to read:
>> {{
>>     4. The Emergency Coordinator makes a statement to the Emergency
>> Forum that he is initializing the Pause. The Procedure tracks time spent
>> using the Pause. When the Emergency Coordinator initializes the Pause it
>> is zero. Thereafter, until the completion of the Procedure, the Pause is
>> increased by one each day at 00:00:00 UTC. Once per day, the Emergency
>> Coordinator may announce to the Emergency forum their intention to
>> increment the pause. If no player voices objection to this action on the
>> Emergency Forum within 24 hours, then the value of the Pause is
>> incremented by one.
>> }}
> And surely you mean to refer to PEPs and not players. Since after all, we
> sometimes call an emergency due to not knowing who's a player. :)

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