0x44 on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 02:16:41 +0100 (CET)

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[s-b] Revising 0x44's Refresh Proposal

The majority of this is lifted unedited from BobTHJ's Refresh proposal. My changes lie only in Rule 3-12 and 3-14. The gist of my changes remove the concept of blueprints, make device creation a proposal by the Artisan, and clean up the auctions.

I revise my refresh proposal to read as follows:

All Proposals which have been assigned a number with a status of
Pending or Open become Historical with a win-state
of Lost. No awards or penalties are assessed. All Proposals which have
not yet been assigned a number cease to be proposals.

All Consultations which have been assigned a number and are currently
Waiting become Zotted. All Consultations which have not yet been
assigned a number cease to be Consultations.

The AFO ceases to be a player (if it is one). The AFO ceases to
be a Faction (if it is one).

Agora ceases to be a player or a faction (if it is one).

Dice Master ceases to be a player (if it is one).

All Devices and Blueprints are destroyed.

Amend Rule 3-12 to state:
A "device" is a type of game object.

Only players may own devices. 

There is an attribute "device owner": its scope is all devices; its range is all players. The default value is defined when the device is defined. The owner of any given device is the value of the device owner attribute of that device. As a game action the owner of a device may transfer ownership to any other player. In this case, the ownership attribute changes to the new player.

All devices are either "unique" or "non-unique". There cannot be more than one of each unique device in the game at any given time. When a non-unique device is defined, the definition must state how many such devices exist.

A device may have powers. Each power consists of an "effect" - what happens when the power is used; "conditions" - things that must be true for the effect to take place; and optionally a "trigger" - something that must happen to trigger the effect. The rule or rules defining a device detail the powers associated with it.

If there is any choice to be made about how a device is triggered or what objects it affects then the owner and only the owner of the device makes that decision; and must make it when it is triggered. The rules must explicitly state the nature of the choice. If there is any other ambiguity in the rules about how a power assigned to a device works, then that power has no effect.

Price is an Attribute with a Scope of all devices, a Range of nonnegative rational amounts of currency, and a Default Value of 50 mackerel. 

Amend Rule 3-14 to state:
There exists a ministry known as the Ministry of Goods. The Minister of Goods, also known as the Artisan, is responsible for maintaining a Public Display of all currently existing devices and their Attributes, Properties, and current states. In addition, the Artisan must maintain a Public Display of all currently existing blueprints and their Attributes, Properties, and default states.

Once per nweek, the Artisan may, as a game action on behalf of the Ministry of Goods create a proposal to define a single device, and can do so no later than Ballotday of that nweek. On Ballotday this proposal shall be made Open and voted upon. On nday1, if the proposal succeeds, the device is created. If the proposal does not succeed, the device is not created, cannot ever be created, and the Artisan loses m50.

Any player with sufficient currency may purchase a device from the Ministry of Goods. Upon purchase, a device is instantly defined based on a blueprint designated by this player, who becomes the device owner. The price, as specified by the blueprint in question, is instantly subtracted from this player's currency.

To purchase a non-unique device, a player announces his intent via a Public Forum, as a Game Action. The Artisan may, at any time and without 2 objections within 2 ndays, alter the price of any non-unique blueprint.

Any unique device is put to auction immediately upon creation. Any player, including the Artisan, may, as a Game Action, submit a non-retractable bid via a Public Forum, specifying an amount of mackerel. The highest amount of mackerel bid on a device is its price. Bidding ends at the start of Halfday [[nday 6]], at which time the unique device is purchased, if possible, by the highest bidder. A highest bidder with insufficient mackerel may attempt to collect sufficient mackerel during 1 additional nday, at the end of which purchase occurs if possible. If he fails to collect sufficient mackerel, his Voting Power that nweek is set to 0, he loses 25 points, and the next highest bidder may purchase the unique device 1 nday later. If neither of the two highest bidders successfully purchases the unique device, or if such bidders do not exist, the device ceases to exist.


Amend Rule 1-4 by removing:
He may do this if and only if he fulfills the following requirements:

   * He is capable of passing a Membership Test, although he may not
be required to take said test
   * He is not currently a Player
   * He has a working e-mail address

and by replacing:
The Registrar may refuse to allow any External Force to become a
player, and may refuse to recognize any otherwise-legal name change,
if e believes the External Force's proposed name (or existing player's
new name) would be ambiguous or confusing, or could otherwise damage
the integrity of this game. The Registrar is encouraged, but not
required, to state the reason for such refusal.

The Registrar may cause any Player who has become a player within the
past 12 ndays to cease to be a Player with 2 Support. He must state
the reason for such action, which must be one of the following:
* The Player's name is ambiguous, unclear, or in conflict with the
name of an already existing Player
* The Registrar believes that the new Player is identical to an
already existing Player or Faction.
* The Player was previously denied playerhood for any valid
still-existant reason.

In Rule 5-2 replace:
* The Agreement is not already a Faction
* The Agreement is not already a Faction or Player

Add the following rule to Section 1:
Whatever is not prohibited or regulated by a rule is permitted and
unregulated. However, for the purposes of this rule an action or object is
regulated if described by a rule.

Append to Rule 1-10 "Game Actions":
Any player (as a Game Action) may declare any Game Action which has
occurred within the past NDay to be Invalid, unless that Game Action
was to declare another Game Action invalid, or to submit a
consultation. An invalid Game Action is treated as if it never
occurred. An Outsider whose Game Action has been declared invalid may
submit a consultation whose text reads "XXX is valid", where XXX is
the Game Action they attempted to perform. When that consultation
becomes Pondered, the Player who declared that game action to be
invalid loses 10 Points.

Any Game Action which has not been declared invalid by the above
within the allowed timespan is considered to be valid in every way,
even if it is in contradiction to the rules.
[[Note: This ensures that illegal actions can not cause the gamestate
to be reversed more than one day]]

Delete the section titled "Oculatiries" from Rule 2-2

Revise the last sentence of the section "Consultations" in Rule 2-5 to read:
A Consultation is in one of the states of Waiting, Answered, ZOTTED
and Pondered. A Consultation is initially Waiting.

In rule 2-5 under the section "The Answer" replace:
At the beginning of the fourth nday (or ndelay if the clock is off)
after the Answer has been submitted to a public forum, the state of
the Consultation becomes Pondered.
When a Priest submits the answer to a public forum that Consultation
becomes Answered. If a Consultation remains Answered for four full
Ndays (or Ndelays if the clock is off), it becomes Pondered.

Delete the section titled "The Whole Point" from Rule 2-5

Append a section titled "Ocularities" to rule 2-5 under the section
titled "The Answer" with the text:
As part of their answer a Priest may submit an Ocularity. An Ocularity
is a lGame Document which includes a list of changes to the rules and
gamestate of B Nomic. By nature, an Ocularity is a transaction and is
implied to be enclosed in "BEGIN TRANSACTION" and "END TRANSACTION"

If the answered question is in relation to an ambiguity in the rules,
the Ocularity should address that ambiguity by including changes to
the rules in question to clarify.

If the answered question is in relation to the validity of a Game
Action that has been declared invalid, and the priest determines that
action to be valid, then the Ocularity should include a list of
changes to current the gamestate to simulate what it might be if the
action in question had actually occurred.

When a Consultation becomes Pondered, if the answer for that
Consultation is the same as the answer originally supplied by its
Priest, then any Ocularity submitted with that answer is followed and
the gamestate and rule changes it calls for take effect.

Rewrite the section of rule 2-5 titled "Overriding Consultations" to read:
When a Priest submits an answer to a consultation, within three ndays
(or ndelays if the clock is off) since its submission, any player
except the Unbeliever and the Supplicant may, as a Game Action, make a
Claim as to the Answer's (and Ocularity's) Consistency with the
current rules. Such Claims will ultimately state that the player
believes the answer to be Consistent or Inconsistent. If a Player
submits multiple Claims, only the last one submitted shall be counted.

At the end of the third nday (or ndelay) since the Answer has been
submitted the Oracle shall tally any such Claims. If there exist more
Claims of Inconsistency than claims of Consistency, the consultation
ceases to be Answered and becomes Waiting. The Oracle shall then
immediately assign a new Priest to the Consultation. The previous
Priest's answer and Ocularity (if any) is discarded.


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