Geoffrey Spear on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 15:31:56 +0100 (CET)

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[s-b] Proposal: Ballots, Tallies, and the Clock

I submit the following proposal, entitled "Ballots, Tallies, and the Clock"

In Rule 2-1, in the subsection "Clock Changes", make the following changes:

Replace the text
{{{ At the beginning of each Voting Period, the Clock becomes Off, and
until the Clock next becomes On, the Chairman may as a Game Action
change the clock to be On. }}}

{{{At the beginning of each Voting Period, the Clock becomes Off, and
until the Clock next becomes On, the Chairman may as a Game Action
change the clock to be On, provided he has first published to a Public
Forum a Ballot listing any Open Proposals and their text or a link to
said text.}}}

Replace the text
{{{If there are no Vacant Ministries, the Clock may be changed from
Off to On as a Game Action by the MoM. When the Clock is turned On,
the ndelay is set to zero. }}}

{{{If there are no Vacant Ministries, the Clock may be changed from
Off to On as a Game Action by the MoM. The MoM should not start the
clock until the Minister of Change has published to the Public Forum
the results of the previous nweek's voting, if any.  When the Clock is
turned On, the ndelay is set to zero.}}}
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