Mike McGann on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 15:34:35 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: /etc/motnw

I submit the following proposal, titled "/etc/motnw":

Create a new rule, titled "Message of the nweek", with the following text:
There exists a unique Game Object called the Message Of The nweek,
also known as the motnw. The motnw has one Attribute called the
Message, with a Scope of the motnw Object, a Range of any string of
between 1 and 256 characters inclusive, and a Default Value of "This
space intentionally left blank".

The Registrar, as a Game Action with Support, may change the value of
the motnw Message, but cannot change the value more than once in an

The value of the motnw Message Attribute should be prominently posted
on a Public Display.  [[the main page of the B Nomic wiki is ideal]]

- Hose
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