Mike McGann on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:45:13 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Voting results for nweek 131

I take the Ministry of Change.

== Voting results for nweek 131 ==

152: Thanks for all the fish (Hose)
153: 401 - Authentication Required (Hose)
154: Bureaucracy of Bureaucracies (Hose)
155: Devices, hey! (Wonko)

                    152  153  154  155
                    ---  ---  ---  ---
Hose                 F    F    F    A
bad_leprechaun       F    A    A    A
Zach                 F    A    A    F
Anything McGee       F    F    F    F
Wooble               A    A    A    A
Dave                 X    X    X    X

For:                 4    2    2    2
Against:             1    3    3    3
Abstain:             0    0    0    0
Result:              P    F    F    F
Proposal Points:     8   (3)  (3)  (3)

== Scoring ==

              Vote Prop Mini Gain  Prev Total
Hose             4    2   10   16     0    16
bad_leprechaun   4    0    0    4    39    43
Zach             4    0    0    4    42    46
Anything McGee   4    0    0    4    11    15
Wooble           4    0   10   14   140   154
Wonko            0   (3)   0   (3)   51    48


The ballot for Dave was received on Breakday, nday 1, after the voting
period had ended.

Reply to the discussion list regarding any errors or omissions.

- Chairman Hose
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