Geoffrey Spear on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 18:11:44 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Voting results for nweek 130

I take the Ministry of Change.

Voting Results for nweek 130:
Author            Wooble    Wooble
Proposal            150      151
bad_leprechaun       F        P
BobTHJ               F        F
Charles              F        F
Wooble               F        F
Wonko                F        F
Zach                 F        A
comex                A        A
Anything McGee       F        F
The Dave             P        P

F/A                7F/1A    5F/2A
Result              Pass     Pass
Points (Proposal)   14        10

x                Previous  Voting Proposal Ministries  Total
bad_leprechaun      35       1        0        0         36
BobTHJ              79       2        0        0         81
Charles             14       2        0        0         16
Wooble             104       2       24       10        134
Wonko               49       2        0        0         51
Zach                40       2        0        0         42
comex               52       2        0        0         54
Anything McGee       9       2        0        0         11
The Dave            14       0        0        0         14

Geoffrey Spear
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