Geoffrey Spear on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:15:11 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Foreign Relations

I submit the following proposal, entitled "Foreign Relations"

Create a new rule entitled "Foreign Relations", with the following text:

There exists a ministry known as the Ministry of Foreign Relations.
The Minister of Foreign Relations, also known as the Ambassador, is
responsible for maintaining a Public Display of the status of B
Nomic's relationships with other Nomics and for relaying messages from
B Nomic to other Nomics.

Where an external Nomic's rules make it possible for B Nomic to
perform some action, the Ambassador may use that Nomic's mechanisms of
action to cause B Nomic to perform that action with 2 supporters and
without objection, unless the Rules of B Nomic provide for a different
threshold of support for a particular action.


I assign this proposal #151. (Players playing the unpublished B Nomic
Drinking Game may now drink a shot of Bicardi.)

Geoffrey Spear
spoon-business mailing list