Geoffrey Spear on Wed, 8 Aug 2007 18:49:39 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Proposal: de-Spivakify Ruleset

I revise the body of proposal #143 to read:

In the Ruleset and the Victory Conditions:
1. Replace all occurrences of the pseudo-words "e" and "ey" with the
English word "he".
2. Replace all occurrences of the pseudo-word "em" with the English word "him".
3. Replace all occurrences of the pseudo-word "eir" with the English
word "his".
4. Replace all occurrences of the pseudo-word "emself" with the
English word "himself".

Create a new rule in Section 3 entitled Pronouns with the following text:
All personal pronouns in the Rules shall be taken to refer to entities
of any gender or of no gender regardless of the purported gender of
the words used.  Rules intended to apply only to members of a specific
gender must explicitly say that they do so.

I take "because I don't like it and think I can get a majority of
voters to agree" to be a valid reason for any rulechange whatsoever,
whether it has to do with language or the purpose of mackerels. In any
case I think it will make the game more attractive to newcomers by not
using terms in the Ruleset that aren't defined anywhere in the rules
and which aren't in English dictionaries.
Geoffrey Spear
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