Geoffrey Spear on Mon, 6 Aug 2007 11:03:01 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] proposal: fix faction loophole

I assign this Proposal Number 141.

-Chairman Wooble

On 8/3/07, Geoffrey Spear <geoffspear@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I submit a proposal with the Title "Fix Faction Loophole" and the
> following Body:
> {{{
> In Rule 5-2, in the first list of conditions add as a third condition:
> "The Agreement has decided, through its internal mechanisms for doing
> so, to join B Nomic as a Faction."
> In Rule 5-2, in the second list of conditions, add as a third condition:
> "The Agreement has decided, through its internal mechanisms for doing
> so, to cease being a Faction in B Nomic."
> Cause any Faction which has not previously decided through its
> internal mechanisms to become a Faction and any which have done so but
> subsequently reversed the decision to cease to be a Faction, effective
> immediately.
> }}}
> -Wooble
> --
> Geoffrey Spear

Geoffrey Spear
spoon-business mailing list