Antonio Dolcetta on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 03:01:55 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] aperiodic schedule v3

I amend my proposal 138

I have left some things nweek based.
* Minister vacation and scoring.
* Justice
* Victory Conditions

I'd say we should try it out this way and then eventually migrate
everything to an aperiodic schedule (I'm thinking that justice should
have it's own independent schedule).
The final goal for me is removing the need to routinely stop the clock
at all. Or at least reduce it to a minimum.

Title: an aperiodic schedule for BNomic v3

In Rule 2-2: Proposals,

The Voting Period for a given nweek, or just "Voting", is defined as the
period of time from the beginning of nday 9 of that nweek until the end
of that nweek.

At the beginning of each Voting Period, all Pending proposals become Open.
to read:

The Minister of Change may declare a Voting Period as a Game Action if 
all the following conditions are met:
a) the clock is on
b) there exists at least one pending proposal
c) a Voting Period is not already underway

A declared Voting Period starts on the beginning of the first nday 
following such declaration and has a duration of 4 ndays.

At the beginning of each Voting Period, all Pending proposals become Open.

in Rule 2-7: Players May Vote,
At the beginning of Ballotday, each Player who Gave eir Allegiance to a
Faction during that nweek has eir Vote Power set to 0. All other players
have their Vote Power set to 1.
to read:
At the beginning of each Voting Period all players have their Vote Power
set to 1.

in Rule 5-3: Factions May Vote,
At most once each nweek, between the start of Breakday and the end of
Rushnight, a Player who is a party to a Faction may as a Game Action
declare e is Giving eir Allegiance to that Faction. Doing so increases
that Faction's Vote Power by 1.

At the beginning of each nweek, after Open proposals have become
Historical, each Faction's Vote Power gets multiplied by 3/4.
to read:
During a Voting Period a Player who is a party to a Faction and has Vote
Power greater than 0 may as a Game Action declare e is Giving eir
Allegiance to that Faction. Doing so increases that Faction's Vote Power
by 1 and lowers that Player's Vote Power by 1. A player may declare
Allegiance multiple times (and to multiple Factions) as long as he has
sufficient Vote Power.

After the end of each Vote Period, after Open proposals have become
Historical, each Faction's Vote Power is multiplied by 3/4.

in Rule 3-5: Active Players,
At the beginning of each nweek, the players that voted in the previous
nweek gain the "Active" property, the players that failed to vote in the
previous nweek lose the "Active" property.
to read:
When each Voting Period ends, the players that voted in the previous
Voting Period gain the "Active" property, the players that failed to
vote in the previous Voting Period lose the "Active" property.

[[ no longer needed to stop the clock at the beginning of voting
periods, since the voting period is declared only when the ministers are
ready for it; we just stop it once at the end, we are keeping the nday 1
stop for the time being, because there is still things that happen at
that time ]]

in Rule 2-1: NTime,
At the beginning of each Voting Period, the Clock becomes Off, and until
the Clock next becomes On, the Chairman may as a Game Action change the
clock to be On.
to read:
At the end of each Voting Period, the Clock becomes Off, and until the
Clock next becomes On, the Chairman may as a Game Action change the
clock to be On.

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