Peter Cooper Jr. on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 10:10:36 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Update Proposal Definition

I propose:
__Update Proposal Definition__
Our current definition of a proposal body is "a block of text that
contains a list of changes to be made to the gamestate." However, it's
been game custom that such changes can for example be conditional, and
just generally be instructions for how to change the game rather than a
list of specific changes. This is an attempt to clarify the definition of
proposals to match game custom. I'm not sure how good a job it does.

In rule 2-2, change
A Body, which is a block of text that contains a list of changes to be
made to the gamestate
A Body, which is a block of text that contains a list of instructions that
if followed would result in changes to the state of the game
and change
When a proposal Passes, its list of changes to the gamestate occur.
When a proposal Passes, its list of instructions is followed to make the
resulting changes to the game occur.

Peter C.
spoon-business mailing list