comex on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 18:39:55 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Wiki Account

On Friday 29 June 2007, Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:
> Aaron Coquet wrote:
> > How do I create an account on the wiki, so that i can update it with
> > my proposals? I tried, but the "Login / Create account" page just
> > shows a login... no "create account".
> >
> > I wanted to show the new guy the proposed rules regarding joining, but
> > can't because my proposal isn't up yet. And I can't put it up.
> >
> > Help, I've started talking and I can't shut up.
> Yes, creation of accounts is disabled for normal users since spambots
> were creating accounts. (Then again, they might be more likely to be
> players than the rest of us, the way things are going.)
> I created an account for Zach, and will be happy to create an account
> for anybody else who needs one.
> I'll update the wiki this weekend if comex doesn't get around to doing
> it by then. (I completely understand that keeping the nomic site up to
> date is laborious, which is why we need an updated post/ministry
> system...)

I have already updated the rules per your voting results.  Besides 
proposals, is there anything else I need to update?

By the way: I intend to become present.

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