David E. Smith on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 14:07:19 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] enough already

I revise my proposal "Get Off My Land," replacing the third paragraph in 
its entirety with the following:


If such is legal and permissible under the rules of B Nomic, and can be 
done without causing undue strife to the occupants of Agora Nomic, a 
formal statement shall be sent to Agora Nomic, via their local equivalent 
of a "public forum" declaring the independence of B Nomic. This statement 
shall be composed by The Administrator of B Nomic, or such party as e 
delegates. When composing this formal statement, the author is encouraged 
to rattle sabers and use bold phrases such as "manifest destiny" and/or 
"go back to your own country you smelly Agorans."


[[ fixing dumb typoes, this is what I get for composing props in my email 
client ]]


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