Peter Cooper Jr. on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 16:55:44 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] 114.5 (Pause=4) Administrator's Update

Antonio proposes "supreme antoniocracy" (p57).

Wonko proposes "Proposal Fix" (p58).

Wonko proposes and amends "New Numbers" (p59).

Wonko amends "Generalized Victory" (p48).

Wonko amends "More Ways to Win" (p49).

Wonko amends "Anyone care for Dessert?" (p50).

Antonio proposes and amends "days have a name too" (p60).

We are currently in a State Of Emergency. Panic buttons owned by
Peter, Antonio, Wonko, sproingie, and bd are On.

It is currently nweek 114, nday 5. The Pause is 4, and will be 5

Antonio has delusions about it not being a state of emergency. Twice,
as far as I can tell. Eir RFJs are number 10 and 11, both assigned to

Peter C.
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