Antonio Dolcetta on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 06:44:07 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] fixing bweeks

maybe this will work,
I resubmit my proposal "It's the game of B!" to read:
 From now on, ndays, nweeks, nyears, ntime, and ndelays
shall be known as bdays, bweeks, byears, btime, and bdelays  
replace the word "nday" with "bday" throughout the ruleset and all  
other proposals.
replace the word "nweek" with "bweek" throughout the ruleset and all  
other proposals.
replace the word "nyear" with "byear" throughout the ruleset and all  
other proposals
replace the word "ntime" with "btime" throughout the ruleset and all  
other proposals.
replace the word "ndelay" with "bdelay" throughout the ruleset and  
all other proposals.

this way no matter what the timing is the changes should be consistent.

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