Mark Walsh on Thu, 4 May 2006 18:29:05 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Stats Update: End of 2nd Checking Period, nWeek 110

Stats Update: 04-May-06
End of 2nd Checking Period, nWeek 110

The following Players were West of
House at the end of the Period, and
so eir Calm is increased by four:
Antonio: West of House: 5 to 9
Dyslexic Q-Thief: West of House: 25 to 29
FishFace: West of House: 25 to 29
Peter: West of House: 21 to 25
pronoblem: West of House: 5 to 9
rachel: West of House: 5 to 9
Raelus: West of House: 5 to 9
SkArcher: West of House: 25 to 29
Wonko: West of House: 25 to 29

The following Players were in Dark
Rooms at the end of the Period, and
so eir Calm is reduced by one:
Personman: Front Hall: 4 to 3

The following Players were in Dark Rooms
at the end of the Period, and eir Calm
was reduced to zero; ey Panic:
smartcowboy: Front Hall: 1 to 0
Ey are moved to West of House and eir Calm
is set to 1. All CHOs except Players and Souls
are dropped in the Room ey were in.

All Other's Calm Unchanged.


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