Mark Walsh on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:44:21 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Stats Update: 26-Apr-06

Stats Update: 26-Apr-06

Charles First.
E consumes 3 Cups of Green Tea and 1 Cup of
Coffee. Net:
Calm = 1 + 6 + 6 + 6 - 3 = 16
Alertness = 15 - 3 - 3 - 3 + 6 = 12

Charles Calm is no longer below 1/5 (6) of its
maximum value, so eir Skills are undecremented
(incremented) IAW 10-4:
Strength 8 to 9,
Nimbleness 6 to 7, and
Acuity 8 to 9.
Action Points unchanged (started nweek with
Nimbleness of 6).

My bad. I overlooked the impact of the increasing and
decreasing Stat Calm on the various Skills of Players
who are West of House and elsewhere.

The following Players Calm increased to above 5
while ey were West of House; eir Skills are
undecremented IAW 10-4:
DQT, FishFace, Peter, SkArcher, and Wonko.
These Players all have eir 3 Skills undecremented
from 5 to the nominal value of 6 except Peter;
Peter had previously gained a point of Acuity by
Training, and eir Acuity is now 7.
Action points have been changed accordingly.

The following Player's Calm decreased to below 6
sometime in the last few Periods, and IAW with 10-4,
eir Skills are decremented:
Personman and smartcowboy.
eir Skills are decremented from 6 to 5.
Action Points adjusted accordingly.

Antonio and Peter each spent 1 AP to 'Find the House'.
Antonio has 4 AP remaining, Peter has 5 AP remaining.


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