flutesultan on Mon, 8 Aug 2005 14:43:31 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] I Lobby Senator Peter

I Lobby Senator Peter to vote AGAINST (Inundatron -2) on Proposal 197.
[[ I think there's plenty of time to vote, and not enough to Propose. ]]
I Lobby Senator Peter to Vote AGAINST (Inundatron -2) on Proposal 199.
[[ I don't qualify as "Awesome", and dislike having my Amplitude reset
to 0 by virtue of another Player's awesomeness. ]]
I Lobby Senator Peter to vote FOR (Inundatron +2) on Proposal 198.
I Lobby Senator Peter to vote FOR (Inundatron +2) on Proposal 203.
I Lobby Senator Peter to vote FOR (Inundatron +2) on Proposal 216.

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