flutesultan on Fri, 29 Jul 2005 20:22:10 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Banking Statement: 29-Jul-05

Banking Statement: 29-Jul-05
Last Update: 28-Jul-05
.Start: 606
.Proposals: 3
.Non nWeekly Business: -10...[s-b] 7/28/05
.Ending Balance: 599

.Start: 498
.Non nWeekly Business: 10...[s-b] 7/28/05
.Ending Balance: 508

.Start: 432
.Proposals: 3
.Ending Balance: 435

Sonnet Nazi
.Start: 369
.Proposals: 6
.Ending Balance: 375

.Start: 484
.Proposals: 3
.Ending Balance: 487

By Rule 3-9, passage is not required for Miscelaneous Form Proposals.
So, I'm awarding GCs accordingly. A Story Proposal requires passage,
so my failed prop 194 gets zip.
163 Eugene +3 Alliteration
174 Raelus +3 [SCAM]
184 Sonnet +3 [JOUST]
185 Sonnet +3 Alliteration
192 Wonko +3 Alliteration
Raelus' P189 contains then word Urks (a non Nomic word), so zip for that.
I'll Proose a plug for the loopholes.
None of the Proposal changes place a player in a new bonus/tax bracket.
>> I give peter 10 GC.  But will he recognize it? dun dun dun.
> I'm not in charge of Genechips, so it's not up to me.
True, but I am. :)
Eugene gives Peter 10 GC. Net Peter +10, Eugene -10.

A.N.P.U.: 100
Dyslexic Q-Thief: 189
Jimmy: 100
Rainbow Wolfe: 354
SkArcher: 6
theta: 111
Tim: 100
The Voice: 402
Triller: 270
Voting Gremlin: 90


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