Peter Cooper Jr. on Thu, 28 Jul 2005 21:05:50 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Nweek 94 Rules Update

"Daniel Peter Lepage" <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Ok, I fixed the scripts and entered the Voting Gremlin's votes. Here are
> the results:

Thank you very much, Wonko. Now that we have multiple ministries and
no longer have deputies, you might want to Referendum yourself into
being a Co-minister of Change.

> Motion 158/1 Golems V2.0 (DQT)
> AGNST: Raelus, TheVoice, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: RainbowWolfe
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> MYBNT: Wonko
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (0-5-1-1-1). Measure Fails.
> Motion 159/2 Rooms Owned By Oak Trees (Raelus)
> FOR  : Raelus, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, EugeneMeidinger
> AGNST: Triller, Peter
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> MYBNT: TheVoice
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (4-2-0-1-1). Measure Passes. Raelus gains 8A.

I'm going to let the minister of the House handle this.

> Motion 160/3 Revamping entire soul infrastructure neatly. (EugeneMeidinger)
> FOR  : The Voting Gremlin, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, EugeneMeidinger
> AGNST: Raelus, Triller, Peter
> MYBNT: TheVoice
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (4-3-0-1-0). Measure Passes. EugeneMeidinger gains 8A.

There are things here handled by the Ministers of Housing and Souls.
Amended to Rule 7-1/5.
Amended to Rule 7-2/3.
Amended to Rule 7-5/3.

> Motion 163/2 Eugene easily erodes evil errors; Eventually even eradicating
> emself.  Enigmatic, eh? (EugeneMeidinger)
> FOR  : EugeneMeidinger
> AGNST: TheVoice, Triller, Peter
> MAYBE: Raelus, RainbowWolfe
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> MYBNT: Wonko
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (1-3-2-1-1). Measure Fails.
> Motion 164/0 Revision of actions: Discussion Subtype (Peter)
> FOR  : Raelus, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> AGNST: TheVoice
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-1-0-0-1). Measure Passes. Peter gains 12A.

Amended to Rule 1-4/1.
Amended to Rule 1-3/3.
Amended to Rule 4-4/15.

> Motion 165/0 Begin A Transactional Operation Notion (Peter)
> FOR  : TheVoice, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> AGNST: Raelus
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-1-0-0-1). Measure Passes. Peter gains 12A.

Created Rule 1-7/0.

> Motion 166/1 Proposal points providing precise player picks (Peter)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (7-0-0-0-1). Measure Passes. Peter gains 14A.

Amended to Rule 3-3/12.
Amended to Rule 3-4/7.
Amended to Rule 3-9/7.
Amended to Rule 3-19/4.
Amended to Rule 3-16/2.
Amended to Rule 3-17/2.
The Gibberish Word becomes "koogum".

> Motion 167/1 The Anti-e Box Loathes E's (Peter)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, Triller, Peter
> AGNST: EugeneMeidinger
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-1-0-0-1). Measure Passes. Peter gains 12A.

Created Rule 3-20/0.

> Motion 168/0 Seizing Souls in a Strangely Shaped Space (Wonko)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: Wonko
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-0-1-0-1). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 13A.

Amended to Rule 7-1/6.

> Motion 169/3 Rooms Of Voting Equally Required (Peter)
> FOR  : TheVoice, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: Raelus
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-(-1)-1-0-1). Measure Passes. Peter gains 13A.

This can be handled by the minister of Housing.

> Thanks to a Seal of Approval, this actually gets -1 Against votes, making
> it the first prop in the history of the game to get fewer than 0 negative
> votes.

Hmm. That is a little... odd. Well, p166 should keep that from
happening again. :)

> Motion 170/5 We require interesting targets eh? (EugeneMeidinger)
> FOR  : Raelus, Wonko, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: TheVoice, RainbowWolfe
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (5-0-2-0-1). Measure Passes. EugeneMeidinger gains 12A.

Amended to Rule 7-1/7. (Although I think e meant to amend rule 7-2.)
There's some stuff here for whomever manages Talismans (I think it's
the minister of Souls, but anyway I don't think it's me.)
Created Rule 10-2/0.
And some things for the minister of Housing.

> Motion 171/0 This Heading Is Stupid (Raelus)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, The Voting Gremlin, Triller
> AGNST: EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> ABSTN: RainbowWolfe
> MYBNT: Wonko
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (4-2-0-1-1). Measure Passes. Raelus gains 8A.

Created Rule 9-11/0.

> Motion 172/4 Genechips Usually Massively Multiply Yearly (Raelus)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, The Voting Gremlin, EugeneMeidinger
> AGNST: Triller, Peter
> MAYBE: RainbowWolfe
> MYBNT: Wonko
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (4-2-1-1-0). Measure Passes. Raelus gains 9A.

Created Rule 9-12/0.

> Motion 173/0 Spinning a Spiral Staircase (Wonko)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: Wonko
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-0-1-0-1). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 13A.

More things for the minister of Housing.

> Motion 174/2 Self-Congratulatory Ampitude Manufacture (Raelus)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, The Voting Gremlin, RainbowWolfe
> AGNST: Wonko, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (4-4-0-0-0). Measure Fails.
> Motion 175/4 Rewriting lots of stuff (Wonko)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: Wonko
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-0-1-0-1). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 13A.

Created Rule 10-3/0.
Created Rule 9-13/0.
Amended to Rule 7-2/4.
Repealed Rule 7-4.
Amended to Rule 7-1/8.
Repealed Rule 7-5.

> Motion 184/0 Just one unimportant short topic [[joust]] (JessicaCooper)
> FOR  : Triller
> AGNST: Raelus, TheVoice, Wonko, Peter
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin, RainbowWolfe, EugeneMeidinger
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (1-4-0-0-3). Measure Fails.
> Motion 185/0 Wonko works, so why withhold wages? (JessicaCooper)
> FOR  : Raelus
> AGNST: TheVoice, Wonko, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin, RainbowWolfe
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (1-5-0-0-2). Measure Fails.
> Motion 186/0 Modifying Ministries May Make Ministering More Manageable
> (Wonko)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: Wonko
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-0-1-0-1). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 13A.

Amended to Rule 4-1/3.
Amended to Rule 4-4/16.
Repealed Rules 4-2 and 4-6.
Amended to Rule 9-8/9.

> Motion 187/2 I'm busy this weekend,. (EugeneMeidinger)
> FOR  : Triller, EugeneMeidinger
> AGNST: Peter
> MAYBE: Raelus, TheVoice, Wonko, RainbowWolfe
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (2-1-4-0-1). Measure Passes. EugeneMeidinger gains 8A.


> Motion 188/1 Fighting Indoors Fits the House (Wonko)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger
> MAYBE: Wonko, Peter
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (5-0-2-0-1). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 12A.

Created Rule 10-4/0.
Created Rule 10-5/0.

> Motion 189/0 Useless Underground Urks User; Unicorns Use Unix (Raelus)
> FOR  : Raelus, RainbowWolfe
> AGNST: TheVoice, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: Wonko
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (2-4-1-0-1). Measure Fails.
> Motion 190/1 Someone Has A Lease Liability (Triller)
> FOR  : Raelus, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: TheVoice
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (6-0-1-0-1). Measure Passes. Triller gains 13A.

Amended to Rule 4-4/17.

> Motion 191/0 Let's Lose Leporine Leverage (Triller)
> FOR  : Raelus, Triller, Peter
> AGNST: TheVoice, Wonko, EugeneMeidinger
> MAYBE: RainbowWolfe
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (3-3-1-0-1). Measure Passes. Triller gains 7A.

I think someone else deals with this, since I didn't know about it in
the first place.

> Motion 192/0 Big Bad Bogeymen (Wonko)
> FOR  : TheVoice, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger
> AGNST: Peter
> MAYBE: Raelus, Wonko
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (4-1-2-0-1). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 10A.

This proposal has no effect.

> Motion 193/0 Attempting To Forge Is Really Speaking Truthfully (Triller)
> FOR  : Raelus, TheVoice, Wonko, RainbowWolfe, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (7-0-0-0-1). Measure Passes. Triller gains 14A.

r7-2 doesn't have the word "create" (since p175 rewrote it). It does
have "created", but I don't think changing those is what is wanted, so
I'm just going to leave that alone for now.

> Motion 194/1 Stipend's Adventures in Nomic Territory, Chapter One,
> "Playing" (Triller)
> AGNST: Raelus, TheVoice, Wonko, Triller, EugeneMeidinger, Peter
> MAYBE: RainbowWolfe
> ABSTN: The Voting Gremlin
> Counts (Y/N/M/MN/A) : (0-6-1-0-1). Measure Fails.

As the rules are now updated, I turn on the Clock.

Peter C.
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