automailer on Mon, 25 Jul 2005 10:31:13 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] Wonko votes

Wonko's votes:
Motion 158/1: Golems V2.0                              : Maybe Not
I like the idea, but I still don't think it makes sense for this to be a Talisman.

Motion 159/2: Rooms Owned By Oak Trees                 : For
Motion 160/3: Revamping entire soul infrastructure neatly. : For
Motion 163/2: Eugene easily erodes evil errors; Eventually even eradicating emself.  Enigmatic, eh? : Maybe
Motion 164/0: Revision of actions: Discussion Subtype  : For
Motion 165/0: Begin A Transactional Operation Notion   : For
Motion 166/1: Proposal points providing precise player picks : For
Motion 167/1: The Anti-e Box Loathes E's               : For
Motion 168/0: Seizing Souls in a Strangely Shaped Space : For
Motion 169/3: Rooms Of Voting Equally Required         : For
Motion 170/5: We require interesting targets eh?       : For
Motion 171/0: This Heading Is Stupid                   : Maybe
Motion 172/4: Genechips Usually Massively Multiply Yearly : Maybe
Motion 173/0: Spinning a Spiral Staircase              : For
Motion 174/2: Self-Congratulatory Ampitude Manufacture : For
Motion 175/4: Rewriting lots of stuff                  : For
Motion 179/0: Tweak: Shorten Referendum Resolution Time : Abstain
Motion 182/0: Look lively! A loophole!                 : Abstain
Motion 183/1: Don't object; only read, second.         : Abstain
Motion 184/0: Just one unimportant short topic [[joust]] : Against
Motion 185/0: Wonko works, so why withhold wages?      : Against
At the moment, I don't seem to be working that much.

Motion 186/0: Modifying Ministries May Make Ministering More Manageable : For
Motion 187/2: I'm busy this weekend,.                  : For
Motion 188/1: Fighting Indoors Fits the House          : For
Motion 189/0: Useless Underground Urks User; Unicorns Use Unix : For
Although I don't think the title works, because "Urks" isn't a word, as far as I know (it's "Irks")

Motion 190/1: Someone Has A Lease Liability            : For
Motion 191/0: Let's Lose Leporine Leverage             : Against
Somebody finally makes one and you want to destroy it already?

Motion 192/0: Big Bad Bogeymen                         : For
Gah. I'll reprop this with a new Gibberish word.

Motion 193/0: Attempting To Forge Is Really Speaking Truthfully : For
Motion 194/1: Stipend's Adventures in Nomic Territory, Chapter One, "Playing" : Against
Why would we want to prevent that? If it really would break the game, then we'll vote it down; otherwise, why not allow it?

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