Peter Cooper Jr. on Sat, 23 Jul 2005 20:51:25 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Executive Tidiness Resolution

The following Referenda have Passed:

176/0: Executive Tidiness: belong to belonging
Amended Rule 3-9/6.

177/0: Executive Tidiness: I before E *except* after C
Amended Rule 2-4/3.
Amended Rule 3-14/2.
Amended Rule 6-10/2.
Amended Rule 7-2/2.

178/0: Executive Tidiness: toom to room
Amended Closet's Ordinances

180/0: Executive Tidiness: "Create" and "Submit"
Does nothing since DQT already amended eir proposal.

Peter C.
"The dinosaur track shall be the fossil or fossil emblem of the
		-- Mass. General Law, Chapter 2, Section 17.
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