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[s-b] [auto] Peter amends p166

Peter has amended p166.

Proposal 166/1: Proposal points providing precise player picks
A Proposal by Peter
Last modified on nweek 94, nday 5

[[The Maybe and Maybe Not system just provides a way to cast up to 2 votes. Let's generalize this system, which conveniently gives us an easy way to award more or less votes to players or other entities on particular proposals. Besides, I managed to convince someone else to take over the Ministry of Change :). Let me know if I missed something.]]
[[/1: Defined undefined Inundatron values; Handled Golems if p158 passes.]]

Execute these changes to Rule 3-3:

Change the text of the "Voting" section to
A Voting Entity is a Game Object that has the right to vote on Proposals.

Eligible Voters for proposals are all Voting Entities. 

Each Voting Entity has a value called its Inundatron for each proposal. If a Voting Entity does not have an Inundatron defined for a proposal, then its Inundaton on that proposal is 0.

Players are Voting Entities with an Inundratron value of 2 on each proposal, unless a conflicting rule says otherwise.

Legal Votes on proposals are all integers [[positive, negative, and zero]]. A vote of ABSTAIN is an alias for a vote of 0.

A Voting Entity may not have a Current Vote on a proposal where the absolute value of the vote is more than the Entity's Inundratron for that proposal. Any attempt to set a Voting Entity's Current Vote to such a value doesn't work, leaving the Current Vote at its previous value.

In the "Proposal Resolution" section, change the text of the second bullet to
The sum of the Final Votes on the proposal is greater than zero.


In rule 3-4, change the text
When a Proposal Passes, for each Final Vote on the proposal that was FOR it, the proposal's owner gains 2A. 

When a Proposal Passes, for each Final Vote on the proposal that was MAYBE, the proposal's owner gains 1A.
to the text
When a Proposal Passes, the proposal's owner gains Amplitude equal to the sum of all Final Votes on the proposal that were positive.

In rule 3-9, section 2.D, change the second bullet to the text
At least 9 Voting Entities had a non-zero Final Vote on the proposal, and the sum of Final Votes on the proposal was 1 or 2.

In rule 3-19, make the following changes:

In the "Senator" section, change the text
may not vote FOR on eir own proposals
to the text
may not vote a value greater than 1 on eir own proposals

In the "Lobbyist" section, change the text
This can override the restriction that a Senator can't vote FOR eir own proposals.
to the text
This can override the restriction that a Senator can't vote a value greater than 1 on eir own proposals.

In the "Necromancer" section, change the text
If the Soul does not belong to a current player, then this allows the Necromancer to cast a single extra vote on any Open proposal.
to the text
If the Soul does not belong to a current player, then the Necromancer's Inundatron on a single Open proposal of eir choice is increased to be 2 more than it would otherwise be.


Change the text of rule 3-16 to
There exists a Game Object called the Voting Gremlin. The Voting Gremlin is a Voting Entity with an initial Inundatron value of 4. The Voting Gremlin may possess Genechips. 

During the Voting Period of each nweek, a player may, at most once per Open Proposal, Bribe the Voting Gremlin by giving 10 Genechips to the Voting Gremlin and specifying whether it is a bribe FOR or AGAINST the proposal.

The Current Vote of the Voting Gremlin on an Open Proposal is twice the number of FOR bribes it has received for the proposal minus twice the number of AGAINST bribes it has received for that proposal, except that if this value would be higher than the Voting Gremlin's Inundatron for that proposal it votes the Inundatron value instead, and if the value would be lower than the negative of the Voting Gremlin's Inundatron for that proposal it votes the negative of the Inundatron value instead.

In rule 3-17, change the text of the second paragraph to
If there is a player who is Legislator of the Nweek, there exists a Game Object called the Seal of Approval. There is only ever at most one such object. The Seal of Approval is a Voting Entity with an Inundatron of 2. At most once during a Voting Period, the Legislator of the Nweek may set the Seal of Approval's Current Vote to be 2 on a single Open proposal of eir choice. This action may be called giving the proposal eir Seal of Approval, although the Seal of Approval is never actually owned by any Game Object.

Change the Gibberish word to "koogum".

If proposal 158 passed, in the effects field of Golem Talismans, change "Golems are Voting Entities." to "Golems are Voting Entities with an Inundatron of 2 on each proposal.".

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