automailer on Tue, 12 Jul 2005 09:45:43 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] Wonko submits p154

Wonko has submitted a new proposal, p154.

Proposal 154/0: A Horribly Haunted House
A Standard Proposal by Wonko
Last modified on nweek 93, nday 9

[[This is mostly just to get the idea out there; if this passes, I'll clean up the rule and add some more interesting points next nweek. I hope to tie this into Souls, Classes, and Proposals.]]

Create a new rule in section 10 of the ruleset (recreating the section 
if need be):
== The Haunted House ==

There exists objects called Rooms. Each player is in exactly one Room at any given time.

Each Room consists of the following:
  * A name
  * A description of the room (this has no direct effect on the game)
  * A (possibly empty) set of Room Ordinances, which are rule-like documents that have the force of Rules, but only apply to players in that Room unless specified otherwise
  * A (possibly empty) list of other Rooms that can be gotten to directly from this one; this list is called the list of Exits for the Room

The first, fifth, and ninth ndays of each nweek are called Checkpoints; the time between two consecutive Checkpoints is called a Period.

Once per Period, each player may move themselves from the Room they are in to any Room that is on their current Room's list of Exits, except where prohibited by Room Ordinances.

Room Ordinances take precedence over other rules when applicable.

Create two Rooms:
== The Front Hall ==
  Description:: The front hall of the house is large compared to most things, but small compared to the house itself. The lighting is faint, as the vines outside have grown over the windows. Cobwebs cover every corner. There is a large oriental rug here, worn with age. The floorboards creak whenever someone walks on them, and sometimes even when nobody is there. A large painting fills one wall; it depicts a tall man, with a very stern and rigid posture. The man's face is missing - the painting appears to have been torn there.
  Ordinances:: When a new player joins the game, e is placed in the Front Hall. If a player is ever not in any Room, e is placed in the Front Hall.
  Exits:: The Gallery

== The Gallery ==
  Description:: This long, musty corridor is lined with paintings. Many of them show pictures of players; indeed, every former player of B Nomic seems to be depicted here somewhere. In some places there are also damaged pictures, apparently torn out of their frames. After a while, the paintings trail off, and there are merely empty frames.
  Ordinances:: When a Lost Soul isn't in any Room, it is moved to the Gallery.
  Exits:: The Front Hall


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