eugman on Sat, 9 Jul 2005 19:52:53 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] I'm doommmed! (was *awkward*)

I know I did this already; however, I shall repeat the following actions:
I nominate my self for the the ministries  of forts, The Grid, and genechips.
I accept  all current nominations for myself.

Also you really shouldn't vote for me. I'm the worst candidate. 
If I'm lucky I won't run unopposed for the next three elections or I can at least dump being death on triller.

> Alex Truelsen <dichotomousmind@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > Well, I tried, but then I just stopped being able to muster the interest. 
> >
> > I open elections for all of my Ministries.
> > I give all of my Genechips to Eugene, because I think he'll do appropriate 
> > things with them.
> > I forfeit, quit, and otherwise cease playing B Nomic.
> >
> > Goodnight, all.
> >
> > [[BvS]]
> Sorry to see you go... I hope that you can come back with us sometime
> soon.
> Voting on the Ministry of Spirituality started on 93/3, and ends
> ntoday (93/6). The only candidate is Eugene, whom I vote for.
> The Ministries of the Grid, Forts, and Banking are up for
> grabs. Someone needs to take them, or we need to write the Grid and
> Genechips out of the rules. Nominations are open through 93/9, which
> is Tuesday night.
> Roster updated.
> BvS's Soul and Teucer's Soul become Lost.
> Any ideas how BvS being p114 affects any of this?
> -- 
> Peter C.
> "There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale
> returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact."
> 		-- Mark Twain
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