Alex Truelsen on Tue, 24 May 2005 23:56:30 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Double recognizer - Forts and Genechips

First, forts. Energy allocations were as follows:

BvS - 200 defense.
DQT - 100 defense.
Eugene - 100 defense, 100 offense, all against DQT.
Peter - 0 energy allocated - sent an allocation before e had a Fort.
Raelus - 100 defense.
Rainbow Wolfe - No target specified for offense energy, so I'm treating this 
as 0 energy allocated.
Wonko - 100 defense, 100 offense, split 50-50 between Peter and DQT.

DQT loses 50 sections.
Peter loses 50 sections.

Now for Genechips. With income from game actions, ministries, bonuses from 
proposals, and forts, current GC holdings are as follows:

A.N.P.U - 100
BvS - 272
bd - 100
DQT - 123
Eugene - 123
Glotmorf - 100
Iain - 100
Jimmy - 100
Personman - 100
Peter - 248
Rainbow Wolfe - 135
Raelus - 210
Rob - 100
Sonnet Nazi - 130
theta - 111
Tim - 100
Voice - 182
Wonko - 264
Zarpint - 100

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