automailer on Tue, 10 May 2005 17:20:20 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] EugeneMeidinger submits p64

EugeneMeidinger has submitted a new proposal, p64.

Proposal 64/0: Dueling is too random.
A Standard Proposal by EugeneMeidinger
Last modified on nweek 88, nday 2

Replace this part of 3-8 

If the Duel is accepted, both players must roll a twenty-sided die to a Public Forum within one nweek of the challenge, using an approved system of random chance, this is eir Duel score. The player with the higher Duel score is the Viktor. The Viktor receives the wager in Amplitude, whereas the other player loses that amount of Amplitude. The Viktor may also brag about eir victory for the next nweek. In case the players are tied, the Duel is a draw, and neither player's Amplitude is affected, nor do either of them become Viktor.

If only one player fails to roll eir dice within the time limit, eir opponent is considered the Viktor. If both players fail to roll eir dice, the Duel becomes void. However, the limitation on challenges still applies to the challenger. 


If the duel is accepted, the player who started the duel sends an escrow challenge to emself and the other player with the escrow destination being a public forum. The response choices are rock, paper, scissors , spock and lizard. The player whose choice beats the other choice is the Viktor. The Viktor receives the wager in Amplitude, whereas the other player loses that amount of Amplitude. The Viktor may also brag about eir victory for the next nweek. In case the players choices are the same, the Duel is a draw, and neither player's Amplitude is affected, nor do either of them become Viktor.

If only one player fails to send eir choice within the time limit, eir opponent is considered the Viktor. If both players fail to send eir choice, the Duel becomes void. However, the limitation on challenges still applies to the challenger. 

Rock is better than scissors and lizard.
Scissors are better than paper and lizard.
Paper is better than rock and Spock.
Lizard is better than paper and Spock.
Spock is better than rock and scissors.

Create a document named EscrowChallenge with the following text:
The B Nomic Escrow service is really cool. To use it, send an email to escrow@xxxxxxxxx with the following lines.

    *escrow Starts the escrow challenge.
    *address foo@xxxxxxxxx One for each address of the players challenged.
    *mailto foo@xxxxxxxxx One address for each escrow destination where results are to be sent.
    *subject blah blah blah Specifies subject line for notification and results.
    *# blah blah blah Any line starting with a # is a comment. To be used to list choices and          explain the challenge.


address foo@xxxxxxxxx
address bar@xxxxxxxxx
mailto list@xxxxxxxxx
subject You shall lose!
# I challenge you to a duel.
# Choices are rock, scissors, paper, lizard and spock
# Good luck.
[[Did I miss anything?]]

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