automailer on Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:37:37 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] [auto] EugeneMeidinger amends p21

EugeneMeidinger has amended p21.

Proposal 21/1: New kind of money.
A Standard Proposal by EugeneMeidinger
Last modified on nweek 86, nday 7

Add a new rule to section 3:

== Genechips ==
Genechips are Game Objects. Players may possess 
Genechips or exchange them with other Players. Initially, all Players hold 0 

Genechips are auotmatically 

A Genechip is earned for getting a Proposal you own passed with any of the following qualities:

The Title is a multi word palindrome
The body of the Proposal is completely in iambic pentameter
The Proposal contains the word blorgleflat at least once
The body of any proposed rules are in limerick form
The FOR votes exceed the AGAINST votes by one and there are at least 9 votes total
The Title forms an acronym.

Proposals may be worth multiple Genechips.

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