Peter Cooper Jr. on Sat, 9 Apr 2005 10:02:44 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-b] Re: Refresh proposals, like the falling autumn leaves, drift into the game

Daniel Lepage <dpl33@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Whenever the current value of The Clock is displayed or referred to,
> it shall be displayed or referred to with the number of nweeks
> increased by one and the number of ndays increased by one. [[because
> The Clock is zero-based]].

This is no longer the case with the current rules...

> Proposals are initially Pending. On the eighth nday of each nweek,
> every Pending Proposal becomes Open; at the end of each nweek, every
> Open Proposal becomes Historical.

If nweeks are only 6 ndays long, no Props will ever become Open.

Also, your refresh prop might want to clarify what the current ntime
is, remove current pending props, and maybe remove other current game
properties and attributes.

The rules don't explicitly allow one to revise a Refresh Prop, but I
don't see why it shouldn't be allowed.

Peter C.
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