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[s-b] [auto] Wonko amends p2053 |
Wonko has amended p2053. --------------------------------- Proposal 2053/1: Flat as a Pancake A Standard Proposal by Wonko Last modified on nweek 84, nday 2 [[ The Wall was mostly dark, as usual. Maybe three-fourths of the controls were dimmed out; e had no idea how to turn them on or how to use them if e could. That was a shame, since some of them looked quite interesting - one button was labeled "Rain of Gnomes", another said "Monkey Bowling", and a dial further up just had a picture of what looked like a squid with a handgun riding a jack-in-the-box. Out of habit e twiddled a few of them. The clicks echoed around the cavernous chamber, but the buttons had no other effect. They never did. Over to the right, though, between the well-worn "Nday" button and the ever-dimmed "Lobster Fondue" switch, a button e'd never noticed before was blinking. It had no label aside from a sketch of two hands, squishing something like a cube of jelly between them. E stared at it in bemusement. New buttons were very rare these days. E glanced around to see if anyone was watching, then smiled slightly, amused by eir own habits. Of course nobody was watching - there was nobody to watch, not here. Unable to hold back eir curiosity any longer, e reached out and pressed the button. The light inside it went out. Nothing happened. The being looked around in surprise. The active knobs and switches e'd found on the Wall had had very diverse effects - he grimaced, remembering the incident with the "Bootleg Waxed Conga" lever - but every one had at least done *something*. A distant grinding noise made em jump. E shifted back to the World Room, crossing theoretically infinite distances in absolutely no time at all. In front of em, glowing all sorts of colors that would make normal eyes water, was pretty much Everything. It hung there, the entirety of the game, stretching off infinitely in every direction yet still fitting inside the tiny little room. And in the middle of it, two slabs of... steel? stone? Pure entropy?... were slowly moving together. In between them e could see something that really did look a great deal like a blob of jelly. E'd have to congratulate whatever did the art for those buttons, if e ever found out where they came from. E concentrated on the flattening mass, and took form inside it. E was standing in The Arena. One of the Avatars was running around wildly; it didn't see the being, and wouldn't have even were it possible. A puff of smoke in the distance probably marked another one giving in the intense pressure that was reshaping the Arena; a great gout of flame consumed the nearer Avatar as it ran into a Trap. The being shifted back to the Wall just as the two slabs ground to a halt, almost touching. E looked at the button. It was dark, just like almost all the others. E pushed it a few times, just to be sure, then sighed. Everything was always so boring here. ]] Amend rule 1912 to read: {{ A. The Arena There exists a 10x10 grid known as the Arena. Positions on the Arena are known as Squares or Cubes and are numbered (1,1) through (10,10) using standard cartesian coordinates. Each Square may be either Empty or Full of something. Avatars may not enter Squares that are Full. At the end of each nweek, all Full squares cease to be Full. A.1. Substance Effects When an Avatar enters a Cube that is Full of Fire, its owner loses 5 health. When an Avatar enters a Cube that is Full of Whoopass, its owner loses 10 health. B. Avatars Each Square may contain any number of Avatars. Avatars are Objects that represent Players. No two Avatars may represent the same Player, nor may an Avatar represent more than one Player. No Avatar may be in more than one Square at any time. Any Player may create an Avatar which represents em in a Square on the edge of the Arena (that is, a Square with at least one coordinate equal to either 1 or 10), provided that there is no Avatar already representing em and the chosen Square isn't Full. Each player has four attributes called Stats: AvSpeed, AvPower, AvStrength, and AvSkill. These attributes must always have positive rational values. New players initially have every stat equal to 1. Each player also has an attribute called Health. When a player creates an Avatar, eir Health becomes equal to 95 plus five times eir AvStrength. If a player's Health is ever less than zero, that player's Avatar is destroyed, and is said to have Died. C. Turns Each checking period, each Player may Take a number of Turns equal to eir AvSpeed. Taking a Turn consists of exactly one of the following actions: * Moving eir Avatar orthogonally (an orthogonal move consists of changing the value of exactly one component of the Avatar's triple by either +1 or -1). * Using any object denoted as an Arena Tool. Arena Tools may not be used except in this manner. D. Weapons There exist Tools called Jet Guns. Jet Guns are Arena Tools. The following types of Jet Guns exist: Water Pistols, Air Cannons, and Flamethrowers. When a player who has no Jet Guns creates an Avatar, that player may create a Water Pistol in eir possession. When an Avatar is destroyed, all weapons its owner possess are destroyed. Players may use Jet Guns to fire Jets at squares. The type of Jet fired depends on the Gun used. Unless otherwise specified, a player may only use a Jet Gun to fire on squares orthogonally adjacent to eir Avatar's location. Each Jet has a Power, which is the AvPower of the Avatar that fired it if such an Avatar exists (if other objects create Jets then the power should be specified in the definition of the object) D.1. Water Pistols Water Pistols are Jet Guns that fire Jets of Water. When a player Fires a Water Pistol at a square, the Jet Hits that square with probability (AvSkill)/(AvPower+AvSkill). Otherwise the Jet Misses. When a Jet of Water hits a square, that square becomes Full of Water, and every player whose Avatar is in that Square loses X health, where X is the Jet's Power times five minus three times the hit Avatar's AvStrength (that is, (Power*5) - (AvStrength*3)), with a minimum value of 1. If this results in an Avatar Dying, then the player who fired the Jet may Upgrade by 1. D.2. Air Cannons Air Cannons are Jet Guns that fire Jets of Air. When a player Fires an Air Cannon at a square, the Jet Hits that square with probability (AvSkill)/(AvPower+AvSkill). Otherwise the Jet Misses. When a Jet of Air hits a square, that square becomes Empty, and every player whose Avatar is in that Square loses X health, where X is the Jet's Power times 2 minus the hit Avatar's AvStrength (that is, (Power*2) - (AvStrength)) with a minimum of 1. Every Avatar that is hit is moved one square away from the source of the Jet, if possible. If this is not possible for a given Avatar (i.e., the destination square cannot be entered), then that Avatar loses an additional X Health and all weapons its owner holds are destroyed. If all this results in an Avatar Dying, then the player who fired the Jet may Upgrade by 1. D.3. Flamethrowers Flamethrowers are Jet Guns that fire Jets of Flame. When a player Fires a Flamethrower at a square, the Jet Hits that square with probability (AvSkill)/(AvPower+AvSkill). Otherwise the Jet Misses. When a Jet of Flame hits a square, that square becomes Full of Fire, and every player whose Avatar is in that Square loses X health, where X is the Jet's Power times six minus three times the hit Avatar's AvStrength (that is, (Power*6) - (AvStrength*3)), with a minimum of 1. If this results in an Avatar Dying, then the player who fired the Jet may Upgrade by .5. }} Create a Tool: {{ __Rock__ Rocks are Arena Tools. Rocks are heavy, so a Player may only hold a rock if e posseses no other Arena Tools. No Player may ever hold more than one Rock (if for some reason e does, one of them is immediately destroyed at random). A player with an Avatar may have eir Avatar Fling a Rock the player holds at any Avatar that is within one square of its location. The Rock Hits that Avatar with probability (AvSkill)/(AvPower+AvSkill) (stats refer to the Flinging player), or with probability (2AvSkill+AvPower)/(2AvPower+2AvSkill) if the target Avatar is in the same Square as the Flinging one. When an Avatar is Hit by a Flung Rock, that Avatar becomes Stunned, and may not take any Turns. At any time, that Avatar's owner may decrease one of eir stats by one to make eir Avatar cease to be Stunned. If eir stats are all 1, then the Avatar is destroyed instead. }} Amend r1922 to read: {{ __Traps__ Traps are Game Objects; the Trap Heap is a Game Object. All Traps without defined locations are moved to the Trap Heap. At the beginning of each nweek, if more than half of all Traps that exist are in the Trap Heap, the Minister of the Arena must create a new Trap in the Trap Heap and then move every Trap from the Heap to a random unoccupied Empty Square of the Arena. If there aren't enough such squares, then as many Traps as possible are moved this way, and any remaining Traps in the Heap are destroyed. At the end of each nweek, if fewer than four traps exist, new traps are created in the Heap until four exist. If at any time a Trap is in the same Square as any number of Avatars, those Avatars are destroyed and the Trap is moved to the Heap. If an Avatar so destroyed belongs to a player whose Stats were not all 1 or lower, then that Player becomes Ensnared and cannot create a new Avatar; but e may decrease any of eir stats by 1 to cease being Ensnared. When an Avatar's action directly causes another Avatar to be destroyed by a Trap, the acting Avatar gains a Trap Token. Trap Tokens are Tools, and Arena Tools, with the Effects: "Destroy this Token: Move any Trap from one square to an orthogonally adjacent square". }} Move all Traps to the Trap Heap, remove all Avatars from the Arena, and make every Arena square Empty. --------------------------------- This Message was sent automatically by the Wiki. Please do not reply to the sender of this message, as your replies will be ignored. Thank you. _______________________________________________ spoon-business mailing list spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx