Daniel Lepage on Wed, 23 Feb 2005 11:41:06 -0600 (CST)

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Re: [s-b] Nweek 80 Results!

On Feb 23, 2005, at 12.44 AM, Daniel Lepage wrote:

Proposal 1998/3 Calling for Backup, 2.2 (Wonko)
 AFF: Peter, PlayerPersonman, PlayerIain, Wonko
 NEG: theta
 ABS: Norinel, DQT, ?Rodney, Phil, BeeDee, PlayerAquarion
 SHL: Glotmorf, Zarpint
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-1-6-2). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 17 points.

 Proposal 2001/0 Conditions good (Zarpint)
 AFF: DQT, Zarpint
 NEG: Peter, PlayerIain, Wonko
 ABS: Norinel, ?Rodney, Phil, BeeDee, PlayerAquarion
 SHL: PlayerPersonman, Glotmorf, theta
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (2-3-5-3). Measure Is Shelved.

 Proposal 2003/0 Beer and Squirrels (Zarpint)
 AFF: DQT, theta, Zarpint
 NEG: Peter, PlayerPersonman, PlayerIain, Wonko
 ABS: Norinel, ?Rodney, Phil, BeeDee, PlayerAquarion
 SHL: Glotmorf
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (3-4-5-1). Measure Fails. Zarpint loses 6 points.

Proposal 2005/2 Enlivening the Subgames and Doing some Other Stuff (PlayerPersonman)
 AFF: DQT, PlayerPersonman, theta, Wonko
 NEG: Peter, PlayerIain, Zarpint
 ABS: Norinel, ?Rodney, Phil, BeeDee, PlayerAquarion
 SHL: Glotmorf
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-3-5-1). Measure Is Shelved.

 Proposal 2006/1 New Plants (Wonko)
 AFF: DQT, Peter, PlayerPersonman, PlayerIain, theta, Wonko
 NEG: Glotmorf, Zarpint
 ABS: Norinel, ?Rodney, Phil, BeeDee, PlayerAquarion
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (6-2-5-0). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 9 points.

That's what COULD have happened. Now here's what REALLY happened:

 Proposal 1998/3 Calling for Backup, 2.2 (Wonko)
 AFF: PlayerPersonman, Wonko, Peter, PlayerIain
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (4-0-1-0). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 13 points.

 Proposal 2001/0 Conditions good (Zarpint)
 NEG: Wonko, Peter, PlayerIain
 SHL: PlayerPersonman
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (1-3-0-1). Measure Fails. Zarpint loses 3 points.

 Proposal 2003/0 Beer and Squirrels (Zarpint)
 NEG: PlayerPersonman, Wonko, Peter, PlayerIain
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (1-4-0-0). Measure Fails. Zarpint loses 4 points.

Proposal 2005/2 Enlivening the Subgames and Doing some Other Stuff (PlayerPersonman)
 AFF: DQT, PlayerPersonman, Wonko
 NEG: Peter, PlayerIain
Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (3-2-0-0). Measure Passes. PlayerPersonman gains 8 points.

 Proposal 2006/1 New Plants (Wonko)
 AFF: DQT, PlayerPersonman, Wonko, Peter, PlayerIain
 Counts (Y/N/A/S) : (5-0-0-0). Measure Passes. Wonko gains 10 points.

I'll work something out to stop this from happening again.


The end move in politics is always to pick up a gun.
                -- Buckminster Fuller

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