Peter Cooper Jr. on Sat, 19 Feb 2005 21:07:41 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] Ballot for nweek 80

//Ch// The following measures are on the ballot for nweek 80:

Proposal 1998/3: Calling for Backup, 2.2 (Wonko)
Proposal 2001/0: Conditions good (Zarpint)
Proposal 2003/0: Beer and Squirrels (Zarpint)
Proposal 2005/2: Enlivening the Subgames and Doing some Other Stuff (PlayerPersonman)
Proposal 2006/1: New Plants (Wonko)
Proposal 2007/0: More Duties (PlayerPersonman)
Proposal 2008/0: Statistical Permanence (Wonko)
Proposal 2009/0: Restocking the Deck (Wonko)
Proposal 2010/0: anti-DOOM! (Wonko)
Proposal 2011/0: Unsealed (Wonko)
Proposal 2012/0: Black Hole Update (Peter)
Proposal 2013/0: No Tax or Gambling (Wonko)
Proposal 2014/0: Real estate. (DQT)

View Props at <>!
Vote at <>!

And don't forget to vote for ministries!

I turn on the Clock.

Peter C.
It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.

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