Phil Ulrich on Sat, 25 Dec 2004 22:41:19 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] Ye Olde Nweek 75 Ballot

 Proposal 1965/0: Guards! (Wonko)
 Proposal 1966/0: Quote Wonko (Zarpint)
 Proposal 1967/0: A finger in the dam (Phil)
 Proposal 1968/1: Going In and Getting Out (Wonko)
 Proposal 1969/0: Q, Thief (Wonko)
 Proposal 1970/0: Contracts (Zarpint)
 Proposal 1971/1: Aux Technology, Comrades, version 2 (Zarpint)

Get out there and rock the vote. Or strum it gently, if you're an easy-listening kind of person.
"Can anything be stupider than that a man has the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of a river and his ruler has a quarrel with mine, though I have not quarreled with him?" - Blaise Pascal

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