Daniel Lepage on Thu, 16 Dec 2004 18:00:49 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] Nweek 74 rule changes

Rules are up-to-date. The ministry of Arcana is still behind schedule (I have to make the laws), but this is enough to start the clock.

The laws should be in place later tonight.

== Passed Proposals ==
Proposal 1953/1 What's a Win without the Glory? (Zarpint)
Created r27/8.
Created r1899/0.
The Ministry of the Roster is reminded that Rodney gets a Win, that is, a point of Permanent Glory.

Proposal 1956/0 The Long Arm of the Law (BeeDee)
Created r1907/0.
TODO: Make Laws

Proposal 1957/0 Boards of all Sorts (Phil)
Created r625/35.
The Minister of the Board is reminded that e should check this to make sure e's still fulfilling all eir duties.

Proposal 1959/0 Stop doing that! (Wonko)
Created r1906/1.
TODO: Make a Law

Proposal 1960/1 Repeal r1901 and r1904 (Wonko)
Repealed r1901/1.
Repealed r1904/0.

Proposal 1961/0 Clock Stops (Wonko)
Created r23/12.

Proposal 1964/0 More Plants (Wonko)
Created r1902/6.
Created r1908/0.
Created r1909/0.
The Minister of Forking Paths is reminded that this will cause a Thorn Bush to be created in the Town Square.


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