automailer on Sun, 12 Dec 2004 22:22:23 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] [auto] Wonko votes

Wonko's votes:
Proposal 1947/1: Gridlock                                 : No
I don't think this is actually on the Ballot.

Proposal 1953/1: What's a Win without the Glory?          : Yes
Proposal 1954/1: Enforcement of the uninforceable         : No
This prop also shouldn't be on the Ballot - it was rescinded.

Proposal 1955/0: Breaking the seal                        : No
I prefer changing and doing useful things with the idea to obliterating it outright just because y'all tried to abuse it.

Proposal 1956/0: The Long Arm of the Law                  : Yes
Proposal 1957/0: Boards of all Sorts                      : Yes
Proposal 1958/2: You can't do that,I'm Mel Gibson!        : No
In my experience, things like this are amusing for all of two ndays. Then we start throwing CFIs left and right and trying to explain why the game should still work at all. I don't like that.

Proposal 1959/0: Stop doing that!                         : Yes
Proposal 1960/1: Repeal r1901 and r1904                   : Yes
The maintenance tax has served its purpose - it got rid of Zarpint's enormous stash of Research. We can get rid of it now.

Proposal 1961/0: Clock Stops                              : Yes
Proposal 1962/0: Negative Voting                          : No
But you're welcome to give me points yourself for voting against things :)

Proposal 1963/0: Aux Technology, Comrades!                : Shelve
Far too powerful - if I had 2400 Research Points, I could buy Double Voting 4 and thus automatically get DV3, DV2, and DV1, giving me 10 extra votes. If you took out Double Voting, did away with "having level N means having all levels less than N too", and added that you can't buy level N for N>1 until you've bought level N-1, then I'd vote for this.

Proposal 1964/0: More Plants                              : Yes

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