automailer on Mon, 22 Nov 2004 23:59:04 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] [auto] Wonko amends p1949

Wonko has amended p1949.

Proposal 1949/5: Speeding things up a bit
A Standard Proposal by Wonko
Last modified on nweek 73, nday 4

[[Changes in this version: Boosters and Teleporters now can't be destroyed except when the rules explicitly say that they can. This means, for example, that if somebody makes a piece that can push a black hole, it would be possible to shoot the Hole in various directions off of boosters]]

Create the following P-Specs:
__ Boosters __

Boosters are Pieces. There are four types of Boosters, each with a different character representing it: Up Boosters ('^'), Down 
Boosters ('v'), Left Booster ('<'), and Right Boosters ('>').

Players may not create Boosters except as explicitly permitted by the Rules.

Boosters may not be destroyed except as explicitly permitted by the rules.

If a move would cause a piece to be on the same square as a Booster, but would be legal if the Booster weren't there, then that move is legal; the piece being move is said to have Landed on the Booster.

When a piece Lands on a Booster, it immediately moves three spaces in the direction the Booster is pointing, or as many spaces as it can without moving on or over another piece. This is considered to be part of the same move that made it Land on the Booster, and the Object making the move must include these effects in the representation of the Board they include with their message (if one is required).


Teleporters are pieces, denoted by '*'.

Players may not create Teleporters except as explicitly permitted by the Rules.

Teleporters may not be destroyed except as explicitly permitted by the Rules.

It is a legal move for any player to move a piece they control that is adjacent to any teleporter to any unoccupied square adjacent to any other (different) teleporter.

If a piece attempts to move to a square occupied by a Teleporter, it is moved to the square opposite the square it moved from around the Teleporter. For example,
`.*O` moving one space to the left would end up at `O*.`



Interdictors are pieces, denoted by '#'. If a Black Hole would destroy a piece within two squares of an Interdictor, the Black Hole is destroyed instead.

Players may not create Interdictors except as explicitly permitted by the Rules.

Create the following pieces, all unowned, each on a random unoccupied square of the Board:
7 Boosters of random types
4 Teleporters
4 Interdictors


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