Jake Eakle on Sat, 6 Nov 2004 02:43:41 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] CFI 'Society Taxes'

After much deliberation, I rule FALSE on this CFI. r1904 does not according
to the rules of English grammar refer to Societies or Players. Since 'r578'
is not an adjective, the only meanings one can glean from 'r578 thing' are
'thing related to r578', 'thing to which r578 pertains' and 'an r578-like
thing'. These differ from each other far too widely for 'r578 thing' to be
unambiguosly defined.

[[ I would really rather have ruled TRUE on this, just to save people the
trouble of resubmitting and all, but it would just get appealed, and the
logic in the TRUE case is pretty weak. So I have chosen to stick with the
true spirit of Nomic - close-minded, literal interpretation of the rules. ]]

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