wonko on Fri, 5 Nov 2004 12:39:03 -0600 (CST)

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[s-b] [auto] Phil amends p1942

Auto-mailed on nweek 72, nday 6
Sent at Fri Nov  5 18:39:02 2004 GMT

Phil has amended p1942.

Proposal 1942/1: Drink, Drank, Re-Drunk
A Standard Proposal by Phil
Last modified on nweek 72, nday 6

Replace the text of BoP Rule 8 with the following:

Drunk is a kind of piece, denoted by 'D'.
The following are legal moves for the Drunk. Any player may make the Drunk take a legal move, not just the Drunk's owner.
 * If the Drunk Fell Down last time it was moved, any player may move the Drunk two squares in any direction.
 * If the Drunk moved two squares last time it was moved, any player may make the Drunk Fall Down. The player making the Drunk Fall Down gains 5 points.
 * If the Drunk has not been moved yet, any player do either of the previous two moves.
 [[Seriously, what kind of poetry form was that supposed to be?]]

Replace the last sentence of BoP Rule 1 with this:

Players may only execute legal moves on pieces that are under their control.

The three paragraphs above defer to other rules in the Book of Piece.

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